When playing roulette, there are certain etiquette and unwritten rules that players are expected to follow. These rules not only ensure that the game runs smoothly but also show respect for other players and the dealer.
1. Wait for the dealer to clear the table before placing your bets. Do not reach over or touch other players’ chips.
2. Do not distract the dealer or other players by talking loudly or using your phone at the table.
3. Do not drink too much alcohol and become disruptive or rude to other players or the dealer.
4. Do not celebrate loudly or excessively when you win. Show respect for other players who may have lost.
5. Tip the dealer if you win a large amount of money. It is customary to tip around 5% of your winnings.
Unwritten Rules
1. Do not bet on someone else’s lucky number. It is considered bad luck and disrespectful.
2. Do not touch the chips or place bets after the dealer has announced “no more bets”. This disrupts the flow of the game and can cause confusion.
3. Do not make excessive noise or cheer for other players. This can be distracting and disrupt the game for other players.
4. Do not change your bets after the ball has landed on the wheel. This is considered cheating and is not tolerated in any casino.
5. Do not argue with the dealer or other players. If you have a problem, speak to the pit boss or casino manager.
Overall, following these etiquette and unwritten rules will make the experience of playing roulette more enjoyable for all involved. Remember, it is important to show respect for the dealer and other players at all times.